Two years ago Carrie Anne Houghton took justice into her own hands, kidnapping and brutally torturing the violent bullies who had tried to kill her, including their ringleader, Patricia.
Now Patricia’s family is back for revenge. And they won’t stop until Carrie Anne has paid for every single drop of spilled blood.
In the barren, desolate fields outside a large city, a wiser, now-repentant Carrie Anne must finally face the villains who wish her dead. Now Carrie Anne must battle it out with them, using all her wits, intelligence, skills and knowledge if she is to survive and win a space for peace and love to grow in her life.
Demonic possession, magical duels, sword battles and immortal supernatural beings populate the pages of A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO DIE. Combined with a hefty dose of gritty, down-to-earth, hand-to-hand fighting, narrow escapes, mind-boggling enigmas to be solved and plenty of fast-paced action and thrills.
Will Carrie Anne be able to conquer and vanquish her demons, both inner and outer, to finally find peace and the chance to live a normal life? Will the force of love be strong enough to save her and the people that she loves?
A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO DIE is a sad, dark, tragic fairy-tale.
“This dark fairy tale was something a little different for me to read…sometimes a little difference does you the world of good!
Carrie-Anne brought her bullies and would be killers to her own unique justice two years ago, in particular Patricia. Only problem is that now Patricia’s family want revenge…
I really enjoyed this book. This is the second book by S.E. Amadis that I’ve read, this is completely different to Harrowing which is the other book. This is the trait of a great author, one that can write so strongly in two different genres and keep me so completely engrossed! I am intrigued now to read the first book in this series now to see how it all started between Carrie-Anne and Patricia. It’s not a pre-requisite though, A Beautiful Day to Die works fine as a standalone.
Be prepared to be drawn into a world of fairy tales and fantasy, of blood shed, vengeance and survival: you won’t regret starting this book!”
“This was a fantastic read. I loved how strong Carrie is. I really didn’t like Olivia. I love this series and can’t wait to read more from S.E. Amadis. Highly recommended. 5*.”
Susan Wallace